eap_promoation wellbeing
• Occupational Health

• Pre-Employment

• Pre-Employment

• Health Screening

• Executive Coaching

• Executive Sales

health screening and wellbeing Health screening

Lifestyle and executive medicals involve undertaking medicals and screening programmes to help monitor and review your employees health and fitness.
Health promotion involves looking at promoting and recommending ways to improve your employee’s health.  This can involve providing information including flyers etc. on healthy lifestyle and setting up and running seminars and health fairs.

Improve staff morale

Lifestyle medicals and health promotion demonstrate to your staff that you care about their health and wellbeing.  It shows your employees and the wider community that you are willing to work with them in helping them stay fit and healthy. Reduce your absence rate…

By having lifestyle and executive medicals you may help with the early detection of medical issues that can be easily treated, avoiding the occurrence of serious ill health.  Not only does this ensure you have fit and healthy staff, it could help reduce staff being absent from work due to illnesses.

Work life balance

Enlighten will then provide a report to you which will ascertain the employees fitness to work and outlines our advice and recommendations to you.
Health promotion can involve many different aspects, all of which we can tailor to suit your requirements.  We can run health fairs and seminars at your site where we can offer advice on many healthy lifestyle topics relevant to your staff.  Topics include:  Back pain, healthy heart, advice on giving up smoking, healthy diet and exercise tips
Our health fairs tend to be operated over lunch times so staff can visit us in a relaxed atmosphere.  We have a whole range of literature regarding health which we can give to people and offer them information on where to seek further advice if required.
We can devise topical displays and provide bespoke literature for your organisation which we can update as required.  We can also set up seminars to advise your staff and managers as to what occupational health is, how it works and how it can be of benefit to them.  We also have information that we can tailor to you to hand to staff at these events.

Enlighten Ltd 2006-7 | Telephone 0845 206 2020